Marcin Durlak este partener manager al IMD Corporate si Fondator al IMD Solicitors LLP. Este avocat in Anglia si Tara Galilor. Este specializat in dreptul afacerilor internationale in domeniul dreptului muncii si in domeniul resurselor umane; are cunostinte vaste in domeniile: dreptului comercial si al afacerilor comerciale internationale.
Misiunea lui Marcin este de a ajuta firmele internationale sa aibe success in Maria Britanie si sa isi depaseasca potentialul. Este foarte apreciat pentru abilitatile de rezolvare a problemelor si atitudinea sa proactivă.
Are o vasta experienta in practica juridica si, de-a lungul carierei sale, a sfatuit clientii intr-o multitudine de sectoare, inclusiv: constructii, transport, productie si retail. De asemenea a dezvoltat cunostinte si interes in IT si sectorul tehnologiei.
Ca partener manager, Marcin este responsabil pentru planificarea strategica a companiei, asigurand cresterea companiei; in acelasi timp concentrandu-se pe calitatea serviciilor legale oferite si supravegherea problemei clientului de-a lungul cazului.
Inainte de formarea companiei IMD, Marcin a condus un department independent intr-o companie de avocatura in Manchester si a fost responsabil de cresterea si succesul stabil al acestuia.
Marcin a finalizat studiile de drept la Universitatea Nicolaus Copernicus din Torun, Polonia si la Universitatea Metropolitana din Manchester. De asemenea este membru al MENSA – The High IQ Society.
Marcin în mass-media:
- Flexible firms will reap talent rewards – The Times
- Why firms should embrace online reviews – The Law Society Gazette
- Shining stars – Review collection – The Law Society Gazette
- Back to the office – but whose? – The Law Society Gazette
- Did the covert video of JD Sports boss Peter Cowgill and Footasylum’s Barry Bown break the law? – London Evening Standard
- Work in Great Britain from 2021 Earnings are still tempting, procedures scare you away – Business Insider
- In episode 7 of Realm Recruit podcasts, Rebecca and Duane spoke to Marcin Durlak, co-founder and managing partner of IMD Solicitors LLP – Realm Recruit Podcasts
- Preparing your staff for returning to the office – Legal Futures
- How can law firms do more on diversity and inclusion and why they need to – Legal Practice Management
- How can international SMEs operating in the UK overcome the hurdles created by Brexit? – New Business
- Can you fire an employee for not returning to the office? – Elite Business
- How to encourage staff back to the office – SME Today
- Will outdated attitudes scupper true flexibility in the legal sector? – Law Careers
- How to save up to £3,000 in tax being self-employed – Small Business
- How Do You Integrate a Multi-Cultural Hybrid Team? – Real Business
- Uber to introduce Sharia-compliant pension scheme following union’s legal threats – International Employment Lawyer
- Hybrid working: executives returning to office less than employees – Personnel Today
- Diversity of thought: something to think about – Diversity Q
- A four-day working week: myth or reality? – Solicitors Journal
- How to pull out of supply chains in the Russian market – First Voice
- Exiting Russia – Flick Read
- Heatwave: how can businesses best support workers? – People Management
- Four-day week: what are the legal considerations for HR? – Personnel Today
- It’s time to crack down on fake reviews – The Caterer
- Keep staff safe in hot weather – First Voice
- “Mange Tout?” Common employment issues arising from incorrect translations – International Employment Lawyer
- How to respond to untrue allegations – First Voice
- This is what entrepreneurs need to know about selling their business – Elite Business
- The Legal Profession’s Role in Promoting Kindness – The Messenger
- A Migrant Solicitor’s Reflection: Celebrating International Migrants Day – The Messenger